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Mango Coffe table
Mango Top

Mango Coffee Table

The mango slab for the top of this table was acquired by my client on a recent trip to Hawaii. The top surface of the slab was flattened and polished. The sides of the slab are the natural contours of the outside of the tree. This surface provided a natural bevel which was then cut into the ends of the slab as well. This gives the top a lighter look. The Roasted Birch legs are curved inward and mortised into the top. Roasted Birch curved bracing, mortised into the legs, ties everything together. The deep coffee color of the Roasted Birch is created by heating the Birch in the kiln hot enough to caramelize the sugar in the wood. As with most of my furniture, no stain or dye was used. The table is finished with several coats of clear lacquer.

Price: $4700

Dimensions: 48" wide x 26" deep x 16" high.

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